Coliving and cohousing differences

Coliving and cohousing differences
Apr 16, 2024

The evolution of social and housing dynamics has led to the emergence of new models of coliving and cohousing. These forms of collaborative housing represent a response to the needs of a society increasingly oriented towards sharing, socialization, and sustainability. In the introduction, we will explore the basics of these two concepts and their impact on contemporary urban life.


Coliving is an innovative housing concept that promotes cohabitation and the sharing of living space among people with similar interests. Born as a response to the growing needs of an increasingly mobile population desiring social connections, coliving offers a solution that goes beyond simply renting a house or a room.

In a coliving environment, residents share not only common spaces such as kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms but also experiences, activities, and resources. This model can be particularly attractive to young professionals, students, or workers seeking an opportunity to live in a dynamic community, sharing not only physical space but also ideas, knowledge, and passions.

Coliving offers several advantages, including cost reduction through expense sharing, opportunities for socialization and networking, flexibility in lease agreements, and access to additional services such as shared workspaces, community-organized events, and social support. Furthermore, it promotes a more sustainable lifestyle through resource sharing and reducing environmental impact.


Cohousing is another model of collaborative housing that involves sharing living space but with some differences compared to coliving. In cohousing, a group of people shares a complex of private residences, each equipped with all the necessary amenities for daily life, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and sleeping areas.

In addition to private housing units, cohousing communities also have common spaces such as green areas, communal halls, gardens, spaces for children's play, and areas for collective activities. These common spaces foster social interaction and collaboration among residents, who can share experiences, resources, and responsibilities within the community.

A distinctive aspect of cohousing is the active involvement of residents in the design and management of the community. This means that those who will live in cohousing participate in defining the rules, planning common spaces, and managing community activities.

Cohousing is based on values of solidarity, collaboration, sustainability, and conviviality, aiming to create a living environment that promotes individual and collective well-being. This model can be particularly suitable for families, active seniors, young couples, and people who want to live in a community where they can share resources and support each other.


Coliving offers a series of advantages that make it an attractive choice for different categories of people. Here are some of the main advantages of coliving:

Affordable costs: By sharing spaces and resources, housing costs can be significantly reduced compared to those of a private apartment or house. This allows people to live in more central and expensive areas of the city without incurring high rental costs.

Community and Networking: Coliving fosters the creation of a community of people with similar interests, creating opportunities for socialization, networking, and collaboration. This social network can be particularly useful for young professionals, students, and freelancers.

Additional Services: Many coliving facilities offer a range of additional services such as shared workspaces, gyms, communal halls, laundry facilities, and cleaning services. These additional services improve the quality of life for residents and contribute to creating a comfortable and convenient environment.

Flexibility: Lease agreements in coliving often offer more flexibility than traditional rental contracts. This allows residents to easily adapt to changes in their housing and work needs without being tied to long-term commitments.

Sustainability: Sharing spaces and resources can help reduce environmental impact, promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. Additionally, many coliving communities encourage ecological practices such as recycling and the use of renewable energies.


Cohousing offers a series of advantages that make it an interesting choice for many people seeking a more collaborative and community-oriented housing alternative. Here are some of the main advantages of cohousing:

Community and Sense of Belonging: One of the distinctive features of cohousing is the strong sense of community that develops among residents. Living in an environment where people know and support each other creates a sense of belonging and solidarity that can significantly improve the quality of life.

Resource Sharing: In cohousing, resources are shared among residents, which can lead to cost reduction and more efficient resource utilization. For example, common spaces like kitchens, gardens, laundry facilities, and recreational equipment can be used by all community members, reducing the need for each family to own their own equipment.

Autonomy and Involvement: Cohousing residents have the opportunity to actively participate in the design and management of the community. This means they can contribute to creating community rules, planning common spaces, and deciding on issues such as community activities and events. This involvement can lead to greater satisfaction and a sense of responsibility among residents.

Social Support and Networks: Cohousing offers an environment where it is easy to establish meaningful social relationships and build support networks. This can be particularly valuable for elderly residents, single parents, or people seeking greater social connection in their daily lives.

Environmental Sustainability: Many cohousing communities are designed with particular attention to environmental sustainability. This may include features such as energy-efficient buildings, rainwater harvesting systems, green spaces, shared gardens, and a focus on waste reduction and recycling.


The main differences between coliving and cohousing can be summarized in several aspects:

Primary Objective:

In coliving, the main objective is to offer a shared living experience that combines private housing with communal spaces to promote socialization and resource sharing, often with a particular emphasis on convenience and flexibility.

In cohousing, the main objective is to create a cohesive community where residents actively participate in the design and management of the community itself, promoting resource sharing and cooperation among members.

Structure and Management:

In coliving, the structure is often managed by a company or real estate operator that provides services and support to residents. Residents may have limited involvement in the management of the structure.

In cohousing, the community is usually self-managed by the residents themselves, who actively participate in the design, decision-making, and management of community activities.

Level of Involvement and Participation:

In coliving, resident involvement in community life may vary, but it is often more of an individual choice rather than a requirement.

In cohousing, resident involvement is essential and required to effectively maintain and manage the community. Residents actively participate in planning and managing the community, making decisions that affect everyone's daily lives.


Coliving is often oriented towards young professionals, students, or people seeking an alternative to traditional rentals, with a focus on convenience, flexibility, and socialization.

Cohousing may be more oriented towards a variety of demographic groups, including families, seniors, and people seeking greater social connection and a more active community life.

In summary, while both coliving and cohousing promote sharing and community living, cohousing stands out for greater resident involvement in community management and for a focus on creating a self-sufficient and cohesive community. Coliving, on the other hand, tends to offer a more affordable and flexible housing solution, with less involvement required from residents in managing the structure.


Ariv represents a significant shift from the traditional approach to coliving towards a more advanced concept of community-driven serviced apartments. This new model, known as Community-Driven Serviced Apartments, places the creation of a cohesive and supportive community at its core while offering high-quality services and facilities to meet residents' needs.

Instead of simply offering shared living spaces, Ariv is committed to creating an environment where residents feel part of an active and engaged community. This is achieved through the implementation of shared services and facilities, such as coworking spaces, fitness areas, shared kitchens, and a variety of social events.

The philosophy behind Ariv is to actively involve residents in community life, allowing them to participate in the planning and management of activities and services offered. This creates a sense of belonging and shared responsibility, contributing to promoting meaningful relationships and mutual support among community members.

Thanks to this combination of high-quality services and a strong community bond, Ariv offers a unique and fulfilling living experience. It is an excellent example of how community-driven serviced apartments can offer not only comfort and convenience but also a sense of belonging and connection that goes beyond simply living under the same roof.


In conclusion, coliving focuses on offering residents the opportunity to live and work in a community environment, combining private housing with communal areas such as kitchens, common rooms, and coworking spaces. These shared spaces facilitate social interaction, collaboration, and resource sharing.

Similarly, cohousing places a strong emphasis on the importance of commons, deliberately designing communal spaces to encourage interaction among residents. However, unlike coliving, in cohousing, residents are involved from the early stages of decision-making regarding the design and management of communal spaces, promoting a greater sense of belonging and involvement in the community.

Finally, community-driven serviced apartments, such as those offered by Ariv, combine the approach of coliving with a particular focus on creating a cohesive and active community. These environments not only offer shared living spaces but actively encourage residents to participate in community life, promoting collaboration and mutual support.

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